Bunscoil an Chaistil is an Irish language or Irish Gaelic language primary school that was founded in Ballycastle (Baile an Chaistil) in 2000. The Bunscoil is one of two parts of Gaelscoil an Chaistil, which includes both an Irish medium preschool (Naíscoil an Chaistil) and the primary school.
The purpose and mission of the school is to provide young children of the area an opportunity to acquire the native language of the land as well as an indepth understanding of their history and place in the world. The school espouses the importance of learning through experience, cultural tolerance and respect.
Irish is not so much taught as acquired through everyday experience. All the children, most of whom come from non-Irish speaking homes, quickly acquire fluency in the language as part of their normal education.
Bunscoil an Chaistil is acting as a catalyst for the revival of the language in the area. Between its foundation in 2000 with only 6 children the school by September 2006 had almost 90 children attending.
Since the foundation of the interest and numbers of people learning the Irish language in the area has markedly increased, further demonstrating the importance of Gaelscoileanna (Irish Medium Schools) as a catalyst in language revival: These activities now include
1. Irish Classes for Adults: Glór na Maoile have been running Irish classes for many years now with up to 4 levels
2. Diploma Class: Pobal an Chaistil organised a third level diploma which started in the Gaelscoil this year. The course is accredited by Galway University.
3. Intensive weekend: Glór na Maoile organise an al Irish weekend course in Sheep Island Hostel every year. People come from far and wide to attend.
4. Carey Summer scheme: Glór na Maoile organise a weeklong summer scheme for primary children who have little experience of the language and culture, to get a taster. This course is always oversubscribed and involves language, music, sport and drama.
5. Irish language Parent and toddler group: This group runs two mornings per week during the school term and provides people who are considering Gaelic-medium education a little experience of the language.
6. Gaelscoil an Chaistil / Irish-medium school: Gaelscoil an Chaistil has two parts; Naíscoil an Chaistil which is a preschool and provides Irish-medium education, and Bunscoil an Chaistil which is an Irish-medium primary school.
7. Cumann Iarscoile an Chaistil / After schools club: Gaelscoil an Chaistil run an after schools club solely through Irish that runs every school day during the school term.
8. Scéim Shamhraidh an Chaistil / Summer scheme: A summer scheme is run throughout most of the summer for primary children who are fluent in Irish.
9. Irish classes in the secondary school: As part of the school curriculum Cross and Passions college provide Irish as a subject throughout the schools through to A level.
10. Church Services: There are Irish services a few time in the year in the Catholic Church, for the most part they relate to St Patrick's Day or services pertaining to children who attend the Gaelscoil.
11. Street Naming: Moyle Council like other districts in the north are providing a street names in other languages as well as English. This means that there is an opportunity to have an Irish version of your street name.
12. Library Services: There are a range of books available in Irish in the Ballycastle Library. These books are primarily aimed at children, however there are also books suitable for adults. The range of books will grow if there is a demand for them.
13 Various events: On occasions Irish is used at events that may pertain to the GAA, music and cultural activities. While Irish is often used as little more than a symbol by these groups, it is important to recognise that they do use it.